IC 1318 is a very extensive emission nebula located around Sadr (gamma cygni).
The series of images show the interior
structure of IC 1318. Each image was acquired with the FS-128G @ F6 and
the ST-10XME Halpha was used for the luminance layer in an effort to
lessen the effect of blooming stars. Each image exposure was 15 minutes
for each channel. All images were acquired during June/July 2004 and are
presented with minimum processing. It is my intent to reprocess and to
form a mosaic (project for the winter rainy season) at some point in the future.
I started on IC 1318 with the intent of
imaging only the brighter portions but soon discovered that there was some
extremely complex detail in even the dimmest parts of the nebula. The only
problem was knowing when to stop, This nebula is like the Energizer Bunny,
it keeps going and going (sorry about that).
The map indicates approximate areas of
coverage of each of the images.